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How to Set Up Play Gates
Erika Lehmann avatar
Written by Erika Lehmann
Updated over a week ago

Please note: Play Gates are not available on the Free plan, to gain access you will need to upgrade to one of our paid plans!
Adding play gates to your videos is one of the best ways you can capture leads and start building a list. Best of all, using Vidalytics' Play Gates, you can also tag them based on watch time, the same way you have been doing it via Tags.

Go to your Settings page, and under the Marketing tab, click on Play Gates, and then on Create New Play Gate. You'll see this:

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Type of Play Gate

Time: timed play gates will show a message and an opt-in form in your video at the time of your choosing.

Exit: exit play gates will appear only when your viewers pause the video. This is a great opportunity to grab their information before they leave your page!

Play Gate Settings


You can add any options you want to capture from your leads here (at least one), and can determine if you want to let viewers skip your play gate, or force them to enter their info before continuing to watch.

You can edit the 'Skip' button to say whatever they want. This is especially useful if your audience speaks a language other than English (Hallo, Deutschland! ๐Ÿ˜‰)


Your headline will be a short text above the opt-in form. You can write whatever you want here, up to 255 characters. We suggest a message that makes the rest of your video sound exciting, so your viewers feel inclined (even excited) to get to it.

If you use a lot of characters on your headline and your text starts looking small, play with adding 'enter' or 'return' every few words, to have bigger words on shorter lines.

Lower Message

This is the small print of your play gate. You can put here any disclaimers you'd want to / have to share with your viewers about how you'll handle their data or anything else.

โ—Please remember that being GDPR compliant is required by most countries, and it's 100% on you!

You can include a Checkbox along with the Lower Message and make it Mandatory for viewers to proceed without skipping the Play Gate. However, this only applies if the entire Play Gate isn't skippable.

โ€‹For links โ€“ to your Privacy Policy and Terms, for example โ€“, you can use the Markdown format to create hyperlinks within the text of your Lower Message. Format: [text](URL)
* Ensure the URL starts with http:// or https:// for the link to function correctly.

Button Text

The text for your button can be 24 characters long, and we suggest using action words (verbs), to invite the user to submit their info and keep watching your content.

Button Colors

You can change the colors of your button background and text. Make sure to use a combination that makes the button pop! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Global Play Gates

With Global Play Gates enabled, if a viewer submits a Play Gate (doesn't skip it) on any of your videos, they will not see any other ones on the rest of the videos in your account.

How to enable

1) Access the Global Play Gate feature from the Account Settings page in the web app.

2) Toggle the setting to enable or disable the global play gate across all videos in your account.

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