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How Smart AutoPlay Works

In this article we explain one of our flagship features: Smart AutoPlay

Erika Lehmann avatar
Written by Erika Lehmann
Updated over a week ago

Smart AutoPlay is one of our main features and the main reason is that this feature will boost your conversions out to the moon. πŸš€

How it works:

They way it works is quite simple. As you may already have noticed browsers such as Chrome and Safari will not allow videos to autoplay unmuted. This is the reason why we came up with the perfect solution to this.
​Smart AutoPlay allows the video to autoplay without breaking any rules set by the browser. It is as simple as playing the video muted and having a sign/button letting the viewer know the video is playing muted for them to click to unmute and restart the video.
The combination of these steps results in much more people really seeing the video and this translates in more conversions!

Let's go over it once again, these are 3 elements that make up this winning formula:
1. IF the browser blocks the video playing with sound, then we will opt for it to autoplay on mute.
2. Then, it can have a flashing overlay on top of it that says anything you want (default is Your Video is Playing, Click to Unmute).
3. Finally, you can have the video restart when the viewer unmutes it.

How to Set Up:

1. Access your Video Settings: Access your video library and select the video in question, click Edit and this will take you to your Video Settings.

2. Access Playback Settings: Locate the Playback tab and click to access these settings.
​3. Enable Smart AutoPlay: The first option in Playback settings is Smart AutoPlay. Toggle this option on to enable on your video.
​4. Set Smart AutoPlay Settings: Once you have enabled Smart AutoPlay on your video you can now select the options available.

  • AutoPlay Message

  • Top Text

  • Button Text

  • Style and color

  • Font

Use Cases:

This is the formula we used to boost another user's conversion rate by 49%.

Try this feature out and let us know what you think!Β 

Here are some more details about the Chrome side of things:Β 

  • In most cases, autoplay with sound is prohibited,

  • Autoplay with sound on desktops can work if the user's Media Engagement Index score for the domain is above the threshold. Each user browser has its own MEI database. To simplify: if a viewer previously interacted with your domain before landing on your video page, the video should autoplay with sound most of the time.

If you want the video to always autoplay with the muted overlay, you can enable this setting in the "Smart Autoplay" tab when editing your video:

Note: If you need more details, you can check this article:

For additional questions, feedback or assistance please feel free to reach out directly to support at [email protected]. 😊

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