Our Agency account is design for success! It is super easy to navigate and work on. Learn how to jump in and out of a client's account.
CLICK below for a quick walkthrough video.
Access your Client's Account: Easily jump in and out to work on a client's account. There's two simple options.
1. You'll see the first option when hovering over a client slot a button to "Jump in" will show below.
2. Or the other option is to click on the 3 vertical dots inside the client's slot. There you'll see the option to Jump in to their account as well.
And you are done! It is just a matter of a click to easily Jump in to your client's account.
💡 Tip: Always pay attention to any hovering message on the top part of your account, this will let you know if you are inside your client's account or on your own.
How to Jump back to your Agency account? Easily Jump back simply locate the option to do so at the top. You'll see a button that says " Back to Agency".
For additional questions, feedback or assistance please feel free to reach out directly to support at [email protected]. 😊